Support for SEND/Inclusion
We are an inclusive school and we actively try to remove any barriers to learning and participation that may disadvantage individual or groups of children. We try to make equality of opportunity a reality through the attention we pay to the different groups of children within our school: girls and boys; minority ethnic and faith groups; children who need support to learn English as an additional language; children with special educational needs; gifted and talented children; looked after children; young carers; children with disabilities; children from families under stress; infrequent attendees; children excluded or at risk of exclusion.
Our staff will identify areas of need and devise specific programmes to meet these needs. Whenever possible, support will be offered within the classroom where expertise can be pooled. The Class Teacher with the Inclusion Leader will set targets that are very short term and clearly achievable. Parents and carers are always kept fully informed so that they can support their child at home.
We are fortunate to have one trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistant in school who can offer a counselling programme to students to support with anxieties or during times of distress. They also can offer programmes to support pupils with their emotions, social skills and friendships.
For pupils that find the playground or hall too overwhelming at break and lunchtimes we have our Pastoral Care Room where pupils can eat their lunch under the supervision of the Pastoral Care Worker. This facility is also there to support pupils that have medical needs or injuries.
The Inclusion Leader is responsible for ensuring any child needing extra support is identified and developed. The Inclusion Leader and the Pastoral Care Workers will always work closely with parents/carers to ensure the wellbeing of the children.
School Physical Accessibility
The school has an accessibility plan, approved by Trustees, in line with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. This means that we are improving our accessibility to both pupils and members of the public by upgrading our facilities by modifying the building and providing appropriate furniture and any necessary technical equipment. Our Accessibility Plan can be found on our Policies page.